- Cassano Spinola (AL )
- Novi Ligure (AL )
- Cassano Spinola (AL )
- Novi Ligure (AL )
Celebrazione del Santo Rosario
Data e Ora: 15/11/2024 ore 18:30
Cassano Spinola (AL )
Luogo: Chiesa Parrocchiale di S. Pietro
Celebrazione del Funerale
Data e Ora: 16/11/2024 ore 9:30
Cassano Spinola (AL )
Luogo: Chiesa Parrocchiale di S. Pietro
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Roma, 22/11/2024 17:38
22/11/2024 ore 17:38
Caro Fabrizio, so sad to hear you are no longer with us. You were true leader and example to follow for so many people. You stood up for me and showed me that there always is a way to solve any problem. Me and Danilo often remember you with a lot of affect and respect. You will be so missed. Riposa in pace.
Scritto da: Karina & Danilo - Radisson Diamond
Sardigliano, 18/11/2024 15:35
18/11/2024 ore 15:35
Ricorderò sempre la Tua gentilezza, caro Fabrizio!
Scritto da: Silvia
Portugal , 16/11/2024 17:52
16/11/2024 ore 17:52
Grazie Capo! Fai un buon viaggio. RIP!
Scritto da: Delfim Bento
Chile , 16/11/2024 14:25
16/11/2024 ore 14:25
Caro Fabrizio ! Gracias por todo y por tanto ! You touch the life of so many people ! Leaving an indelible Mark ! Thank you for all the memories, advices! And all Buen viaje Jefe ! Algún día nos volveremos a encontrar 💙🤍💙🤍💙
Scritto da: Vivían Romero
Portugal, 16/11/2024 05:45
16/11/2024 ore 05:45
Caro Fabrizio: As a professional and as a friend you will be remembered always with great respect, gratitude and longing. Thank you. Hope to meet you again in another realm. So long! 💙
Scritto da: Daniel Monteiro
Cosenza , 15/11/2024 22:13
15/11/2024 ore 22:13
Riposo in Pace.
Scritto da: Maria Cristina Seguido
New York City, 15/11/2024 21:45
15/11/2024 ore 21:45
Caro Fabrizio, I can’t even find the words to express the sadness I am feeling knowing that you are not with us anymore. For more than 30 years I have been calling you on your birthday and now, every September 15th, I’ll continue honoring you and your legacy. As many others said, you were the first one to believe in us and you gave us the chance to grow and to become who we are today. I will never forget the lessons of life you shared with me and your always sincere, fair and valuable suggestions. You have seen me growing and you have followed my career through the past 30 years. I will be in debt with you forever and I will always be grateful for everything you did for me. Che la terra ti sia lieve caro Capo, sarai per sempre nel mio cuore.
Scritto da: Andrea Carnevale - Radisson Diamond
Lugano, 15/11/2024 16:36
15/11/2024 ore 16:36
Dear Fabrizio, you have been someone to follow always. You have been a guide for everyone of us: personally you believed in me since the the first day, I enjoyed a lot working with you and receiving your appreciation constantly while sailing togethether for years. I am sure that you'll find the right way as you only know how.. to be bright and happy in a new world and watching us from above. Rest in peace Capo, it has been e great pleasure to meet you Mr Fabrizio.
Scritto da: Enrico Ghitti Headwaiter Radisson Diamond
Fiumicino, 15/11/2024 16:00
15/11/2024 ore 16:00
Caro Fabrizio...You've have been a great part of my life, not only professional. You believed in me from the very first moment I stepped on the Diamond, you rewarded me and taught me precious life lessons all along the years we shared at sea... And now you deserve all my sadness and tears...My Capo, my friend, rest in peace🖤
Scritto da: Giuseppe Gervasi
Cassano.spinola, 15/11/2024 14:59
15/11/2024 ore 14:59
Ciao Fabrizio, ti porterò sempre nel cuore
Scritto da: Consuelo
Cassano Spinola , 14/11/2024 13:52
14/11/2024 ore 13:52
Fabry ci mancherai tanto… Mi mancherà chiacchierare con te Fai buon viaggio ❤️
Scritto da: Patrizia